Losing weight is successful if you put your weight loss goal, this can be done if you know how much weight you need to lose.
You can know how much weight you need to lose by calculating your body mass index (BMI), which is calculated from the following equation:
(Kg) divided by Height (m squared) = BMI
Or BMI = Weight in pounds x 703 divided by
(height in inches) ²
78 Kg divided by (1.75m X 1.75) = 26 BMI
below 18: Underweight
18 - 24: Ideal Weight Range
25 - 29: Overweight
30 - 40: Obese
Over 40: Excessively Obese
18 - 24: Ideal Weight Range
25 - 29: Overweight
30 - 40: Obese
Over 40: Excessively Obese
you know how much weight is over, you should put a long term plan to reach the
healthy weight, don’t be in a hurry when losing weight, you can already lose 10
kg in one month but you will gain it again, so you should lose your overweight
gradually (easy come, easy go). If you find that you achieve your small goal
every month, you will be motivated to lose more weight.
good method to know if your weight is healthy or not, is waist measurement, for
women the waist measurement should be under 80 cm, and for men should be under
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With my best wishes,Dr/ Mohamed Attia