There is a common question between weight loss and fitness experts nowadays, does lifting weights burn fat more than cardio workouts?
Does lifting weights burn fat

If you want to really lose fat quickly, you have multiple choices to do. Is it weight lifting? Is it running? Just keep reading.

In fact there is no unanimous, both strength training and cardio workouts are important for fat loss. 

There are three types of workouts to do to lose fat:

1- Cardio workouts. This type of exercises needs long period of time but low intensity, it is very important as it elevates the heart rate. E.g. of this type: walking, long jog and slow running. Remember that the golden rule to burn fat is (your calories intake should be less than your calories needed). Cardio workouts without doubt can help you losing fat. Running for three miles only can burn 300 calories. You don’t need any instruments or knowledge. But if you want to have a good shape, cardio workouts are not the best choice. 

2- Interval training. Such as running, biking, and sprinting. These training are important for both elevating heart rate and body metabolism. The studies showed that the people who were doing interval training could burn fat three times the people who were doing continuous exercises. Interval training is very effective, it burns calories during exercise and after exercise.

3- Lift weights. Lifting weight not only will burn fat but also to build muscles and get a good shape.

 All of these three types of exercises can lose fat, but it differentiates from person to person. Is the cardio workout the best? Does doing weights burn fat? Which one is the best when coming to burn fat?

In fact it is a combination of all, you should firstly have a good diet plan. The diet is the important parameter in weight loss equation. Success or fail is basically dependent on you diet. You can do all the three types of workout ten hours a day and no result. Again the rule for weight loss is (calories consumed should be less than the calories burned) the diet is responsible for the first parameter of equation. Choose a good diet plan and combine the three types of exercises to get a good fat loss result.

Thanks for visiting
Dr/ Mohamed Attia

Yogurt diet is one of the best, easiest and most healthy weight loss diets. Yogurt contains a sufficient amount of protein, phosphorus and calcium which is important for bones and teeth building. 
Yogurt diet benefits – Yogurt diet for health and weight loss

Yogurt has a lot of benefits for both healthy body and weight loss. In this article we are going to mention ten benefits of yogurt diet for your health and ideal body weight.
Yogurt diet benefits:
1- Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria.
Beside being a very effective weight loss diet, yogurt is considered a very strong antibiotic especially for intestine and stomach. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria which lives in the intestine and kills the harmful bacteria and microorganisms which causing diarrhea and many digestive tract diseases.

2- Yogurt diet is very important for weigh loss and muscles building.
Consuming 18 ounce (about 700 grams) of yogurt daily is sufficient to help body to burn fat and not to lose muscles, yogurt contains calcium which decreases Cortisol hormone which is mainly responsible for fat storing. A study on a group of people showed that eating yogurt too much can help you lose about 81% of body fat and 22 of you total bodyweight.
3- Yogurt contains minerals and vitamins.
Yogurt contains iodine, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin B5 and vitamin B12 which is important for red blood cells formation.
4- Yogurt is a good source of energy.
Yogurt is important after workout, because it contains proteins (amino acids) which are important for muscles repairing after exercises and carbohydrates which is a good source of energy.
5- Yogurt contains artificially Vitamin D which is important for calcium absorption.
 6- Yogurt prevents or decreases high blood pressure.
Yogurt contains potassium which is very important for the kidney to flush the excess sodium out of the body.
7- Yogurt contains Beta cells and beneficial bacteria which are important for your body immune and health.
8- Yogurt is important for cavities fighting because of containing the lactic acid.
9- Yogurt is a good easy to digest source of protein especially for liver patient who can't digest other animal protein sources like meat and fish.
10- Yogurt diet is a very effective weight loss diet as yogurt is very low source for calories and fat, each 100 grams of yogurt contain 108 calories and zero gram of fat in skimmed yogurt so yogurt make you feel full and not to eat much.
In fact yogurt has several benefits not only as a diet for weight loss but also for general health and immunity.
Thanks for visiting
Dr / Mohamed Attia
Water fasting weight loss has its benefits as well as its dangers. some people told about how he or she lost about 6 kilogram in just 5 days, this is true and can be happened. But if you don’t do water fasting in the right way, you wouldn't lose weight and sorry to say that you will gain more weight.

Water fasting weigh loss

In this article I will discuss with you how the water fasting for weight loss is done in the right way, water fasting weight loss benefits and water fating to lose weigh dangers.

Water fasting benefits:
In fact water fasting can help you to lose weight very fast. When you fast for long time and take no foods only water, the body maintains the calories needed from the stored fat after consuming all the stored sources of energy like stored glycogen and undigested foods in the digestive tract. If you fast for 5 days you can lose about half the stored fat.

Water fasting is not only for weight loss but also for detoxification. Water fasting helps you body to purify the blood stream of the poisons and cleans the body from harmful substances.

Water fasting dangers:
We all agree that water fasting is a very good diet to lose weight. If you fast for 5 days and not eating any type of food but water, you can lose about 4-6 kilo gram of your stored body fat. But what after 5 days. During the 5 days water fasting, the body enters the starvation mode and sends message to the brain to store as much fat as possible when you end fasting, which may cause more weight gaining. 

The best water fasting weight loss plan:
In fact, there are two different methods to use water fasting for weight loss:
The first is to fast for about 12 hours, not to eat or drink water for 12 hours, and then you drink 2 cubs of water, waiting for about 1/4 hour and then take a light meal. You can do this for 2 weeks or even one month (As we the Muslims do in Ramadan) and you will see a wonderful weight loss results.

The second method to use water to lose weight is to drink as much water as possible (2 or 3 cubs of water) at the morning and before each meal. This will increase you metabolism and make you fill full so you eat less. The advantage of this method is that your body will not enter the starvation mode and you will not feeling deprived as in the long period water fasting which I don’t recommend at all.

Thanks for visiting
Dr/ Mohamed Attia
Weight loss workout routineTo lose weight fast and in a healthy way you need two things, a weight loss workout routine and a diet plan.
Weight loss workout routine helps you to lose weight by burning the body stored fat and the diet plan to decrease and regulate your calorie intake.
These are the best chosen weight loss workout routines to get the best weigh loss results:
Weight loss workout routine 1. SWISS BALL PLANK CIRCLE
Reps: 30–45 seconds (each direction)
Rest: 60–90 sec.
Place a Swiss ball on the floor and get into pushup position with your hands on it. Now lower your forearms to rest on the ball, keeping your entire body in a straight line with abs braced. Use your elbows to roll the ball in a circular motion, clockwise and then counterclockwise, as if you were stirring a pot.
Weight loss workout routine 2. DUMBBELL ROMANIAN DEADLIFT
 Reps: 6
Rest: 0 sec.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand with feet hip width. Push your hips back and, keeping your lower back in its natural arch, bend your torso forward. Lower your body until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, bending slightly at the knees as needed. Squeeze your glutes as you come back up.
Weight loss workout routine 3. ALTERNATING DUMBBELL ROW
Reps: 6 each side 
Rest: 0 sec.
 Bend forward at the hips as you did in the Romanian deadlift and row one dumbbell to your side. Lower it and repeat on the other side. 
Weight loss workout routine 4. DUMBBELL HIGH PULL
Reps: 6
Rest: 0 sec.
Hold dumbbells in front of your thighs and bend your knees and hips so the weights hang just above your knees. Explosively extend your hips as if jumping and pull the weights up to shoulder level with elbows wide apart, as in an upright row.
Weight loss workout routine 5. FRONT SQUAT TO PRESS
Reps: 6
Rest: 90 sec.
Hold the dumbbells at shoulder level and stand with feet shoulder width. Squat as low as you can without losing the arch in your lower back. Come back up and press the weights overhead. 
Weight loss workout routine 6. SNATCH-GRIP DEADLIFT
3 Reps: 10 Rest: 0 sec
Set up as you would to deadlift, only do so in a power rack, resting the bar on the safety rods at about two inches below your knees. Grasp the bar wide, hands about double shoulder width. Extend your hips and stand up, pulling the bar to in front of your thighs.
Weight loss workout routine 7. ALTERNATING DUMBBELL BENCH PRESS
3 Reps: 10 (each side) Rest: 0 sec.
Lie back on a flat bench holding dumbbells. Press them both over your chest and then lower one of them to your side. Press it up and then lower the other hand. That’s one rep.
Weight loss workout routine 8. DUMBELL LUNGE
3 Reps: 10 (each side) Rest: 0 sec.
Stand with your feet hip width, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Step forward with one leg and lower your body until your rear knee nearly touches the floor and your front thigh is parallel to the floor.
Weight loss workout routine 9. INVERTED ROW
3 Reps: 10 Rest: 90 sec.
Set a barbell in a power rack (or use a Smith machine) at about hip height. Lie underneath it and grab it with hands about shoulder-width apart. Hang from the bar so your body forms a straight line. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and pull yourself up until your back is fully contracted.
Weight loss workout routine 10. HORIZONTAL CABLE WOODCHOP
2 Reps:10 (each side) Rest: 60–90 sec.
Set an adjustable cable pulley to shoulder level (or attach a band to a sturdy object) and grasp the handle with both hands. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, perpendicular to the anchor point, and arms extended, far enough away from the machine so there’s tension on the cable. Twist away from the machine as if you were chopping into a tree. Keep your feet stationary.
Best vegetables for weight loss
Vegetables are very important to your body if you try to lose weight or to keep good health, vegetables and fruits are very low in calories but are very rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fibers.
The best way to lose weight is to take water as much as possible, you can drink pure water or eat vegetables which contain water.

This is a highly recommended list of the best vegetables for weight loss and good health:

Cucumber is one of the best vegetables for weight loss. It has much water, vitamin, minerals and fibers. All these components making you fill full and are very important for your health and metabolism so help you lose more fat. Every 100 gm of cucumber give your body 0.12 gm of fat and 12 calories (very low calories and fat level).

2- Broccoli
100 gm of broccoli give you 0.37 gm of fat and 34 calories. It is very low fat and calories content. It is recommended not to eat fried broccoli because oil has very high fat and calories level, it is preferred to eat it boiled or with salad.

3- Beans
In fact you can't live without protein, you have two sources of protein, meat and beans, but if you want to lose weight, beans are the best, every 100 grams of beans give 6.8 gm of fat and 147 calories, compared to 100 grams of meat which give 313 calories.
You may be surprised that beans are of the vegetables, but they are of the best vegetables to lose weight.

4- Spinach
What makes the spinach of the best vegetables for weight loss is that it has much water, much fiber and is very good for anemia because of the iron containing. 100 gm of spinach give 0.39 gm of fat and 23 calories.

5- Carrots
 Carrot is very good not only for weight loss but also for your health. It has beta-carotene (important for eyes and vision) and full of fibers. Carrots also have the sweet taste which making you satisfied. 100 grams of carrots give 0.24 gm of fat and 41 calories.

6- Celery
Celery is another good vegetable for weight loss, it is rich in fibers and is very low in fat and calories. 100 gm of celery give 0.17 gm of fat and 16 calories. I can't eat salad without celery.

 7- Peppers
What makes the peppers of the best vegetables for weight loss is that they have a sweet taste, very helpful for digestion and are very good for treating of aging diseases. 100 grams of peppers give 0.17 gm of fat and only 20 calories.
You can eat it raw or with salad.

8- Onions
Onions are very helpful for diabetes control and are very important for body immunity. Onions also treat cold, good for digestion and are strong appetizing, Pharaohs used the onions for health. 100 grams of onion give very low fat level 0.1 gm and very low calories level, 40 calories.

9- Cabbages
Cabbages are of the most famous cooking for Egyptians. Cabbages give 0.1 gm of fat and 25 calories. Also cabbages are rich in vitamin E and vitamin C.

10- Leeks
Leeks have a good taste and rich in vitamins and minerals. They are good alternatives to onions as they are low calories content. Each 100 gm of leeks give 0.3 gm of fat and 61 calories

There are a lot of vegetables to lose weight, but I think these are the best vegetables for weight loss and good health too.

Thanks for visiting

Dr/ Mohamed Attia

3 week diet.pdf free download3weekdiet.pdf free download

Hey dear visitors

Today I will give you a free gift, the 3 week diet pdf. This program called 3weekdiet is a good nutrition guide to lose weight, in addition to exercises and motivation.

Many people who use this program gave positive testimonials on the product official website. They said that it gave them a quick fat loss results, it is guaranteeing to lose about 23 bounds in 3 week using diet, exercises and motivation.

Personally I didn’t use the whole program but I have a copy of the free introduction manual.

I would like to share it with you for free, as one of my friends send it to me. If some one have any experiment or knowledge with the program please leave a comment or send me a massage with your review about the 3 week diet program.

This is a free copy of the introduction manual of the 3week diet program, click here to download for free and this is the 3weekdiet official website

Thanks for visiting

Dr/ Mohamed Attia

Detox smoothie recipes for weight lossYou may know some information about liquid detox, but this is the best chosen list of detox smoothie recipes for weight loss.

Detox smoothie recipes for weight loss no. one: Berry Breakfast
1 cup frozen unsweetened raspberries
3/4 cup chilled unsweetened almond or rice milk
1/4 cup frozen pitted unsweetened cherries or raspberries
1 1/2 Tbsp honey
2 tsp finely grated fresh ginger
1 tsp ground flaxseed
1-2 tsp fresh lemon juice
COMBINE all ingredients in blender, adding lemon juice to taste.
PUREE until smooth.
POUR into 2 chilled glasses.
NUTRITION (per serving): 112 cal, 1 g protein, 26 g carb, 3 g fiber, 1.5 g fat, 0 g sat fat, 56 mg sodium

Detox smoothie recipes for weight loss no. two: The Super Green
PREP TIME: 15 minutes
TOTAL TIME: 15 minutes
1¼ cups chopped kale leaves (stems and tough rib removed), preferably Lacinato (also known as dinosaur)
1¼ cups frozen cubed mango
2 medium ribs celery, chopped
1 cup chilled fresh tangerine or orange juice
¼ cup chopped flat-leaf parsley
¼ cup chopped fresh mint
COMBINE all ingredients in blender.
PUREE until smooth.
POUR into 2 chilled glasses.
NUTRITION (per serving): 160 cal, 3 g protein, 39 g carbs, 5 g fiber, 0.5 g fat, 0 g sat fat, 56 mg sodium

Detox smoothie recipes for weight loss no. three: Green Drink
Makes 3-4 servings
  • 2 cups Spinach
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/4 head of celery
  • 1/2 bunch parsley
  • 1 bunch of mint
  • 3 carrots
  • 2 apples
  • 1/4 orange
  • 1/4 lime
  • 1/4 lemon
  • 1/4 pineapple
Combine all ingredients in a blender. Serve and enjoy!

Detox smoothie recipes for weight loss no. four: energy boosting smoothie
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 2 tbsp peanut butter
  • 1 banana
  • 8 oz Greek yogurt
  • cinnamon
Pour peanut butter, cocoa powder, Greek yogurt and ice cubes into blender and mix at high speed. Slice banana, add into mixture, and re-blend. Pour smoothie into two cups and serve. Sprinkle dash of cinnamon on top for extra flavor.

Detox smoothie recipes for weight loss no. five: vitamin c smoothie
  • 2 oranges
  • 1/2 cantaloupe
  • 1 cup strawberries
  • 1 tomato
Juice the 2 oranges and combine juice with other ingredients. Blend over ice.

Detox smoothie recipes for weight loss no. six: vitamin cocktail
  • 1 cup papaya
  • 1/2 cup kale
  • 1/2 cup spinach
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 green apple
Put all ingredients into blender. Blend until smooth. Enjoy!

Detox smoothie recipes for weight loss no. seven: super energy smoothie
  • 2 pints pineapple
  • 2 pints watermelon
  • 2 quarts coconut water
  • spinach
  • blueberries
  • 2 green apples
Blend all of the ingredients together in a juicer, pour into 16 oz. servings. You can store or freeze extra smoothies to drink later. Enjoy!

Detox smoothie recipes for weight loss no. eight: paradise smoothie
1/4 cup frozen or fresh blueberries
1/4 cup frozen or fresh raspberries
1/4 cup frozen or fresh strawberries
1/4 cup kale
1 cup water
Place all ingredients in a high power blender. Whirl until completely smooth. Serve immediately and sip your way to berry-induced bliss. 

Thanks for visiting
Dr/ Mohamed Attia
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