If you decided to lose weight, then this weight loss routine, only 6 steps will give you the best start. You don't only need to change your diet and activity; but also you need to change your lifestyle and habits. So let's start.
Weight loss routine - 6 simple steps to lose weight

The First step: Put your weight loss goal.
For any person to start any project, he should put a goal and time to achieve that goal, this is true for weigh loss either.
Ex: your weigh now is 90 kg
Your goal weight is 70 kg (read how much weight loss is healthy article to know what your healthy weight should be)
The difference is 20 kg, so you need to lose 20 kg. If this is very huge goal, you can divide it into two small goals, 10 kg for every stage, so your goal is to reach 80 kg. If you put into consideration the healthy weight loss rate (1/2 kg per week), so you need 20 weeks to achieve your first goal and 40 weeks to lose all your overweight, very simple, right???

The second step: How to lose 0.5 kg per week?
All types of foods and drinks contain calories and all physical activities and exercises burn calories.  If your calories intake is greater than calories burnt (by eating too many calories and not burning enough), the body transforms the calories into fat. If the calories burnt are greater than calories intake, the body burns the stored fat and use it as energy.
To lose 0.5 kg, you need to burn 3500 calories per week (500 calories per day), to do that you need to decrease your calories intake by 250 (read 20 nutrition weight loss tips article), and increase your calories burnt by 250.

The third step: Eat the healthy foods
1-Non-starchy, colorful vegetables
Go for all the colorful vegetables. Fill up on these as they are low in calories & high in health protecting nutrients
½ cup salad
½ cup cooked vegetables, eg: carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, courgette, pumpkin
2- Fruit
Eat a range of different colors Fruit is also low in calories & high in health protecting nutrients
2 small, eg plums, apricots, kiwifruit
1 medium, eg apple, orange, pear
1 small banana
½ cup fruit salad
1 slice melon
3- Breads, cereals & other starchy foods
This group also includes the ‘starchy’ vegetables
These foods are the body’s main source of fuel
1 slice bread / roll
¾ cup breakfast cereal
½ cup muesli
½ cup cooked rice or pasta
1 medium potato or similar sized piece of cassava / kumara / green banana / taro / parsnip
Tip > Go for wholegrain breads & cereals – these are rich in fiber & are more filling
4- Meat, fish, poultry, or vegetarian substitutes
Includes lean meats, fish & poultry, eggs & meat substitutes
Such as tofu, dried beans & nuts These foods are high in protein and are used for body repair
What fits the palm of your hand, eg: 1 small steak, 1 medium fish fillet.
1 chicken leg / breast or 2 drumsticks 2-3 slices cooked meat
2 eggs
cup nuts
1 cup baked beans
Tips > Cut fat off meat and take skin off chicken
> Skim fat off stews and boil-ups
>Use low-fat cooking methods: grilling; stirfrying; boiling; poaching
5- milk & milk products
These foods are high in calcium for strong bones
1 glass low-fat milk
1 pottle yoghurt
2 thin slices of cheese
Food plate portions
½ Colourful vegetables
¼ Meat/substitute
¼ Starchy vegetables/rice /pasta /cous-cous /bread.

The fourth step: Eat the low calories containing foods
Colored vegetables and fruits are very low in calories, very high in vitamins, and are very good for health and protection.
Stay away from sugary and fatty foods.
Drink about 6 cups of water daily.
Decrease fizzy and sugary drinks.
Alcoholic drinks are forbidden.
Remove fat from meat and skin from chicken before cooking.

The fifth step: how to burn more calories
Remember: you need to lose 0.5 kg per week = 3500 calories = 500 calories daily. After you decreased your calories intake by 250 calories, you need to increase your calories burnt by 250.
You can do one of the following activities
Type of activity                                  Calories burnt in 30 mins
Walking                                                       120
Cycling                                                        140
Swimming                                                    200
Tennis                                                         200
Weight training                                             200
Aerobic                                                       200
Running                                                       400
Take the stairs instead of the lift
Vary the type of physical activity to keep your interest up.

The sixth step: Enjoy your weight loss success and reward yourself.

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With my best wishes. 
DR/ Mohamed Attia

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